No One Like Me :)

So this morning mom was giving all of us our fav food after we drove her crazy with our meows and our morning fights heheheh ( it is our way of waking her up just don’t tell her that). Then she opened that cane and said to us ( FOOOOOOOOOOOD?? You wanna FOOOOOOOOD?) and we all gathered and lined up. So Keedo was right behind me I was fight/ playing with him. Then All of a sudden I saw some kitty coming in front of me and I puffed up and became a big ball of fur heheheheh… I didn’t notice that it was just Keedo again, then after me and him sniffed the nose I knew him and all was ok again. Of course mom was laughing at me and then she gave me a kiss and said to me ( no other kitty is like you Inka, mom loves you so much ) heart emoticon


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