Story of Inka, our inspiring kitten (Part I)

My husband came home one night with a little kitten he found outside our place under the stairs.The little one came out running towards him with a very tired soft meow. As soon as I saw the little kitten I was in love. He was starving (nothing but bones), abandoned, scared, very dirty, and (very quiet). We gave him food (which he inhaled), then my husband cleaned his eyes and face (he started to purr very loudly). Then he climbed on my neck and slept like an angel for what seemed to be his first good night sleep. We looked for days for his mother or any evidence on where he was but no luck. We took him to the vet and got him checked and he took his shots. Then we had to make a big financial decision. Do we keep him or do we try to find him a home? We have two cats of our own one indoor and one outdoor and any cat owner out there would understand that having the responsibility of three cats financially is draining. Also Suki (didn’t like Inka, a usual cat behavior) so that was another factor to consider. But a look at Inka’s sweet face changed everything.We couldn’t think of him leaving our place and going through another traumatic experience the little one been through a lot already. One could always feel and sense how he was longing for his mother and his siblings. Inka tried to engage Suki to play with him he chased her all the time she did not like that. It was pretty tough because there were many sleepless nights as our cat Suki and our kitten Inka fought and hissed at each other. Still we decided to keep him. Inka grew to be a big handsome boy. So cute, joyful, and playful (and hungry for human food in addition to cat food). He is such a passionate cat, he loves to sleep next to mom and dad. Is the story over? Not yet. Please keep watching for part II to know what an amazing cat Inka turned out to be!

Inka today is very Charismatic! 


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