Inka plays with Oreo

Last night Oreo came home late and he went straight to the kitchen. He wanted mom to follow him and give him food. I followed him and I was sniffing his butt and his head! He went to mom and gave her head bonks & purred very loudly. As he was playing with mom he started to make some creepy noise with his mouth. I was so worried and I ran to him and I made a chirrup sound to communicating with him in meow language to see what in the fur was wrong. I sniffed his face and butt again and I gave him head bonks. That is when mom looked at me and petted my big head and said“ it is ok Inka, Oreo is coughing a hairball”!!! And he kept making that funny noise and I kept following him. Then I smacked him in the head and he stopped making that noise! After that I decided it was time to wrestle & play! I had fun as we played with our fav box, pounced, and chased each other.  When we were done playing I carried him by the scruff to take him to mom but I couldn’t carry him all the way because Oreo is getting bigger. I know mom & dad were watching & laughing because I could hear them giggle!  Then it was dinnertime. Mom opened our favorite can of food and as she chanted (Foooooood!!!, you wanna foooood? Ok, ok  come on come on kitties) and we all lined up including the Mr. Marmalade and Mr. Wendell & Mrs. Candy ( our neighbors) she put food for all of us. But we all like to check each other’s food. I check Oreo’s plate and he checked mine and then I wanted to go eat from Suki’s plate but she smacked me! Mom came and petted my big head again and said to me “ I love you Inka, you are so smart and so handsome” and she gave me treat too J


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