An hour out with Inka & Oreo today

Today when mom came from work, she decided to take Oreo and me on a nice walk outside! It was a lot of fun. She took with her our fav toy, a feathered teaser. Oreo and me followed the feather, chased it, and leaped & pounced to catch it. We got distracted a little and started eating some tasty grass! Mom encouraged us and kept saying (good job Oreo, good Job Inka, nice kitties). As we heard this we got more excited!  Then mom put the feather on the tree!! AHHH I love it and I ran up the tree and got it back with me and I walked like a proud kitty. Then mom put the feather on the tree again and wanted Oreo to climb the tree this time. But Oreo was hesitant! Oreo & me are buddies (mom says we have an amazing bond) I communicated to Oreo in meow language that I will demonstrate. I climbed up the tree again and showed Oreo how it is done. Then it was his turn. Oreo came very close but he didn’t go all the way up! I decided to demonstrate again!
It was so cool, I ran up the tree and then it got harder but I am a very smart kitty mom said and I was able to bring the feather down with me. It was so cool mom kept petting me and kept saying (nice kitty Inka very nice kitty). So then she turned to Oreo and said your turn, and this time Oreo did it, he went up and got the little feather and it was so cool and mom petted him and kept saying (nice job Oreo). I think he still needs some practice but it was a good first attempt.  When we got back home mom gave us delicious treats & told dad all about it and he was so happy too.


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